Our high-quality products are only “Made in Germany”, and are manufactured by our qualified team in accordance with the guidelines of our quality management system.
The management system of BASINOL covers all departments of our company from purchasing and research & development to sales and administration. It ensures the compliance with in-house standards concerning quality and organisation of business processes as well as the realisation of legal regulations and national as well as international standards.
The latest state of the art and requirements of our partners and customers have a considerable impact on our management system. It helps us to guarantee high and stable quality, an environmentally friendly production and the continuous advancement of our products. Furthermore, it enables us to react quickly and flexibly to demands of the market.
OEM approvals for BASINOL®
BASINOL offers a wide range of products for industrial and automotive applications approved by leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) like Porsche, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen Group, Scania, Volvo, MAN, Siemens and many more.